Replace your previous conception of creativity with this one



While some books just teach you how to be more creative, in this book, Allen Gannet writes about what it means for an idea to be perceived as creative.He explores creativity as a social concept instead of exclusively an individual trait and supports his thesis with fascinating anecdotes and examples.For anyone interested in doing anything creative, this is an essential book.

Most novels fail, most start-ups go bankrupt, and most artists never take offThe most followed pattern of creativity, one of free-association, and free-flowing thought, is falling shortMozart was not magically a \”genius\”, had fourteen years of intense practice before he wrote his first original concertoLewis Terman- no bueno eugenicist that created the IQ TestHe gathered a group of 1,500 \”geniuses\” with IQs over 135 to track their life trajectory. He found that all of them had pretty average lives10,000 hour rule is kind of a mythThink of driving, plenty of us have spent thousands of hours behind the wheel but very few of us are NASCAR level professional or mastersIt\’s all about how you spend your hours of practice, all about PURPOSEFUL PRACTICEPeople stop improving after they gain a certain amount of skill, the activity becomes automaticbrain plasticity-brain can adapt and change to experiences and situations1,400 new brain cells are created every day, each takes 8 weeks to mature, brain starts to adapt to the skills you learning, learning causes our brains to retain new brain cellsHistory is full of simultaneous inventions, only one is considered geniusCharles Darwin-Alfred Wallace, Wallace independently came up with the theory of evolution, sent Darwin his theory in 1858 one year before Origin of Species was published, Darwin was shocked that they were the exact same theoriesAlex Graham Bell-Elisha GrayTiming is essential to be labeled creativeCampus Network- had newsfeed and several other features before FacebookFacebook- launched the features as more and more people trusted them, trained audience slowly without overwhelming themCreative people need a set of attributes to engage with media, consumers, gatekeepers(venture capital, gallery owners, critics, studios or publishers)Creative Curve- all about having something novel but familiar, MAYA, most advanced yet acceptableElements of Creating for the Curve

      • Consumption-purposefully increasing the amount of a-ha moments you can have by becoming familiar with your field, knowing whats out there, knowing what people like and what you can do that\’s new, getting a range of exemplars to pull from at a moment\’s notice
      • Imitation-Do what works
      • Creative Community- get a teacher, collaborator, muse and promoter
      • Iteration- get feedback, keep going


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