Miracle Mornings and the Myth of Self-Help Part 1


Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod is a classic self-help book that aims to help the reader design Miracle Mornings and live the life of their dreams. I felt incredibly inspired while reading the book, mostly because Hal Elrod has a remarkable story. He almost died in a car crash, then almost gave up hope for living, before transforming himself into a life coach and motivational speaker with the techniques that he shares in the book.The Miracle Morning is six activities all done within the first hour of the day: silent meditation, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading and scribing (writing), S.A.V.E.R.S. for short. Starting off the day with ritual and intention is a great way to set the tone for a calmer and more fulfilling day. The magic only compounds as the Miracle Morning becomes routine. The better practiced you are at being confident and centered, the more energized you feel to create the life you want.For some reason, waking up at 5AM sounded like a good idea after returning home for quarantine last March. I did it for a semester once and loved it, but also knew that it wasn’t sustainable if I wanted to have a social life in college. Now at home, I could design my life and become more productive than ever.I lasted two weeks with my Miracle Mornings, until I overslept one day and didn’t get back on track. If the goal was to follow the directions of the book until I became successful, I failed. I think these kinds of books are useful regardless of whether you follow through on them or not, because I can always remember the importance of routine, apply the techniques when I need them and share them with interested friends.My apparent failure is instructive too. As important as an inspiring book is, change is relational, which means that an idea like Miracle Mornings needs support and a particular environment in order to grow into a way of life. That’s why…

Keep reading Part 2 Here

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